Finally getting a break in the weather, I was able to put boots on the ground and do some scouting as well as stand prep on my new Minnesota properties.
I purchased this business back in January 2023, and with the long spring and winter, it's been a while before I could actually do some serious scouting on these properties. To say I was impressed is an understatement. Stacy and I spent the day moving some stands, hanging some new stand locations, and doing the general yearly spring stand prep on existing stands as well.
We still have a lot of stands to work on and to continue to move and hang new stands for this fall. I'm super excited to get cameras out on these properties later this summer and start getting inventory! Stay tuned to my social media and to this blog section as I will continue to give updates on our progress in Minnesota (as well as the other states I guide in) and you can see the work and effort we put into our properties to put you on big deer.
This is my first year with this part of the business and my first year in Minnesota. I've got some exciting ideas and changes I'm planning for the future as well to really increase the trophy potential here. Stay tuned for updates on that as well as I lay out a plan for these properties not only for this year, but future years as well.